Best Exercises for Erector Spinae

Erector Spinae muscle group is responsible for spine extension and rotation. Also commonly known as the lower back muscle. When choosing to train Erector Spinae, it’s better to focus on endurance (high reps) since the muscle is involved in so many daily activities.

Back Extension

Back Extension

The glutes are the primary mover during Back Extension exercise while Erector Spinae is also engaged. This bodyweight exercise requires hinging at the hip which is a good skill to incorporate in everyday activities.


  1. Position yourself in the back extension station with legs under leg hooks
  2. Cross arms over chest
  3. By hinging at the hip, lower your torso down without curving your back
  4. Slowly, in a controller manner, raise your torso back up until your body forms a straight line, do not overextend

Good Morning

Good Morning

If a back extension station is not available, Good Morning is a decent substitute. Once again, the glutes will be the primary mover. However, since there is an additional weight on the torso, this is a riskier exercise since improper form will be put stress on the lower spine.


  1. From the squat rack, unrack the barbell, resting it across the back of your shoulders
  2. Slightly bend your knees
  3. By hinging at the hip, move your hips back as you lower your torso down without curving your back
  4. At the bottom, push your hips back into the starting position as you lift your torso

Bird Dog

Bird Dog

Bird Dog requires you to engage your whole core to keep your body stable. Holding the position will train your Erector Spinae while also teaching you to brace which should help with your other lifts and everyday activities.


  1. Get on all fours with wrists directly under shoulders and knees under hips
  2. Brace the core and flex the glutes
  3. Extend one arm forward in line with the shoulder
  4. Extend the opposite leg back
  5. Keep the body in a straight line without arching the back
  6. Return to starting position

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