Best Exercises for Gluteus Maximus

The Gluteus Maximus is responsible for hip extension. Strong glutes are beneficial for almost every exercise and of course all everyday activities.

Hip Extension on the Multi-Hip machine

Hip Extension

The Multi-Hip machine is not a common piece of equipment seen in the gym but if available, it’s the best way to train the glutes. The machine allows the glutes to be trained through a range of motion not possible with other exercises.


  1. Standing to the side of the pad, place one leg on top of the pad at the knee
  2. Drive the leg back, until the thighs are parallel
  3. Return to starting position

Hip Thrusts

Hip Thrusts

Hip Thrust is a common exercise seen at the gym for training the glutes. It’s an effective exercise though with a reduced range of motion compared to a full hip extension. It can be performed on a dedicated machine or with just a barbell and a box.


  1. Lie down on your back or sit down with shoulders resting against a bench or another sturdy surface
  2. Bend the knees and keep the feet on the ground, shoulder width apart
  3. Place your hands by your side
  4. Brace the core and flex the glutes
  5. Keeping the back straight, lift the hips off the ground creating a straight line from shoulders to knees
  6. Lower the hips back to starting position

Split Squat

Split Squat

The Split Squat is a compound movement engaging both the quadriceps and glutes. However, we can manipulate which muscle is favored by adjusting the position of the knee relative to the ankle. The further the knee is past the ankle, the more load is going to be placed on the quadriceps while the closer the knee is to the ankle, the more load is going to be placed on the glutes.


  1. Stand with a box behind you
  2. Place one foot on the box with the top of the foot resting on the edge of the box
  3. Step forward into a lunge
  4. The knee of the back leg should be as close to the box as possible
  5. The knee of the front leg should be over the heel
  6. Bend at the knee of the front leg, until the thigh is parallel with the floor
  7. Push through the heel of the front leg to stand up on it

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